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Nadav Lapid

Policeman (Ha-shoter) with introduction and post-screening discussion with filmmaker Nadav Lapid and David Pendleton.

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Occupation of the Interior.
The Films of Nadav Lapid

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Amie Siegel
Empathy and The Sleepers introduction and post-screening discussion with Haden Guest and Amie Siegel.
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Bahman Ghobadi
No One Knows About Persian Cats (Kasi az gorbehaye irani khabar nadareh) introduction and post-screening discussion with David Pendleton and Bahman Ghobadi.
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Robert Gardner, Susan Meiselas, William Rothman & Charles Warren
Dead Birds Re-encountered introduction and post-screening discussion with David Pendleton, Robert Gardner, Susan Meiselas, William Rothman and Charles Warren.
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Sam Parler
Roman Scandals introduction by David Pendleton and Sam Parler.