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Christoph Hochhäusler

The City Below (Unter dir die Stadt) introduction and post-screening discussion with David Pendleton and Christoph Hochhäusler.

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P. Adams Sitney
Eyes Upside Down, An Illustrated Lecture by P. Adams Sitney, with introduction by Haden Guest.
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Mati Diop
A Thousand Suns introduction and post-screening discussion with David Pendleton and Mati Diop.
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Mark McElhatten
Stan Brakhage Metaphors on Vision programs introductions by Haden Guest and Mark McElhatten.
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Tsai Ming-liang & Lee Kang-sheng
Afternoon introduction and post-screening discussion with filmmaker Tsai Ming-liang, actor Lee Kang-sheng and HFA Director Haden Guest with Jannis Jizhou Chen (Mandarin-English translator).