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Wang Bing

Man in Black introduction and post-screening discussion with filmmaker Wang Bing, translator Yufeng Chen, producer Karin Chien, and HFA Director Haden Guest.

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Ben Rivers & Ben Russell
A Spell to Ward off the Darkness introduction and post-screening discussion with Haden Guest, Ben Rivers and Ben Russell.
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Haden Guest, Ji-Eun Lee, Soon-Mi Yoo & Alexander Zahlten
Byongtae and Youngja with introduction and roundtable discussion with HFA Director Haden Guest, Ji-Eun Lee, Soon-Mi Yoo and Alexander Zahlten.
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Jem Cohen
New York City Found and Lost program introduction and post-screening discussion with Jem Cohen, Brittany Gravely and David Pendleton.
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Jem Cohen
Passages 1 program introduction and post-screening discussion with Jem Cohen and David Pendleton.