A Hole in the Head
Screening on Film
Directed by Frank Capra.
With Frank Sinatra, Edward G. Robinson, Eleanor Parker.
US, 1959, 35mm, color, 120 min.
Print source: Sony Pictures
With Frank Sinatra, Edward G. Robinson, Eleanor Parker.
US, 1959, 35mm, color, 120 min.
Print source: Sony Pictures
A Hole in the Head was the answer to this personal question: Could I evoke heart and humor out of a ‘sex and violence’ entry, a story with no hero, no Mr. Deeds or Mr. Smith; a story about hard, unpleasant characters? Bitter ‘realism’ was the trend. Could I leap a seven-year hiatus, dive into the pool of cynicism, and come up with laughs? Or, was my courage too worn and my legs too stiff to run with the times? [….]
The leading man was a grandstanding, dame-chasing wastrel; rearing a ten-year-old son in an atmosphere both sinful and phony. Could I fit such non-heroes into my own style of warm human comedy? If I couldn’t, I might as well hang up my kind of laughs. — FC