
A Love in Germany
(Eine liebe in Deutschland)

Screening on Film
Directed by Andrzej Wajda.
With Hanna Schygulla, Marie-Christine Barrault, Piotr Lysak.
France/Germany/Poland, 1983, 35mm, color, 100 min.
German with English subtitles.

Working from Rolf Hochhuth’s wartime chronicle about the relationship between a Polish prisoner of war (Lysak) and a German shopkeeper (Schygulla), Wajda created a work able to capture not only the collective past but, also, an aspect of contemporary German culture. Told in flashback by the shopkeeper’s son, the story unfolds in a sleepy Bavarian town where the Pole has been assigned to work. Despite explicit prohibitions against fraternizing with the enemy, a passionate affair soon develops. The terrible consequences fuse the predictable reaction of fascist rule with the petty jealousies and unneighborly betrayals that typify small-town life.

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Poland through the Prism of Andrzej Wajda

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