
Alice in the Cities
(Alice in den Städten)

Screening on Film
Directed by Wim Wenders.
With Rüdiger Vogler, Yella Rottländer, Lisa Kreuzer.
West Germany, 1974, 16mm, black & white, 110 min.
German with English subtitles.

In this tender, melancholy road movie, a Polaroid-snapping German photo-journalist (Vogler) travels across the United States and becomes burdened by an obstinate nine-year-old girl, Alice (Rottländer), abandoned by her German mother (Kreuzer). The search for Alice’s family takes the two gradually back to Europe, where, almost wordlessly, they grow closer. A quiet warmth takes effect as Alice and her taciturn companion travel about, including a stop at a Chuck Berry concert. This modest film, which foreshadows Paris, Texas, is perhaps Wenders’s most perfect work, and the most overtly humanist.

Part of film series

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New German Cinema: Alternative Visions and Utopian Designs

Other film series with this film

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2018 Norton Lectures in Cinema
Wim Wenders