

Director in Person
Screening on Film
$12 Special Event Tickets
Directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari.
With Ariane Labed, Vangelis Mourikis, Evangelia Randou.
Greece, 2010, 35mm, color, 95 min.
Greek with English subtitles.

A daring revision of the coming-of-age film, Attenberg follows the poignantly awkward and strangely late sexual awakening of a young woman grappling with the impending death of her terminally ill father. Despite its seeming austerity—its decaying Greek factory town setting and minimalist dialogue—Attenberg is richly destabilized by moments of unexpected and almost anarchic comedy, most notably the odd “dance” sequences which loosely structure the film like a musical. Most striking throughout Attenberg is Tsangari’s reawakening of the elemental strangeness of the human body and sexuality, revealed in the constant contortionist twisting of her lithe and talented lead actress Ariane Labed as she seeks love and new knowledge in her relationship with a taciturn engineer played by Tsangari’s frequent collaborator and fellow director Yorgos Lanthimos. 

Attenberg introduction and post-screening discussion with Haden Guest, David Pendleton and Athina Rachel Tsangari.


  • 24 Frames Per Century

    Directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari.
    Greece/Italy, 2013, digital video, color, 2 min.
  • Fit

    Directed by Athina Rachel Tsangari.
    With Lizzie Curry Martinez, Kenny Strickland.
    Greece, 1994, 16mm, color, 8 min.
    In English.
    Print source: Filmmaker

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Two Films by Athina Rachel Tsangari