Screening on Film
Directed by Agnès Varda.
France, 1975, 16mm, color, 80 min.
French with English subtitles.
Print source: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
France, 1975, 16mm, color, 80 min.
French with English subtitles.
Print source: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Varda has lived and worked on the rue Daguerre in Paris since the 1950s, but it wasn’t until 1974, while at home with her two-year old son, that she turned her camera on her neighbors and began this rich documentary about the street and its inhabitants. As in La pointe courte, physical location is inextricably linked to the community discovered in the film, with the rue Daguerre weaving its neighbors together into a type of extended family. Centered around a magician’s street performance, Daguerréotypes follows its mix of shopkeepers and artists as they move through their small street, the world in microcosm.