Days of the Eclipse
(Dni zatmeniya)
Screening on Film
Directed by Alexander Sokurov.
With Alexei Ananishnov, Irina Sokolova.
USSR, 1988, 35mm, color, 133 min.
Russian with English subtitles.
With Alexei Ananishnov, Irina Sokolova.
USSR, 1988, 35mm, color, 133 min.
Russian with English subtitles.
Based on a novel by famous Russian science-fiction writers the Strugatski brothers, Days of the Eclipse is the account of a young doctor who travels to a barren, unnamed provincial town in Central Asia. Mysterious forces interfere with his research, however: unbearable heat, strange people, mysterious omens, a conversation with a dead friend, alien intervention. The film is structured on contradiction: soundtracks that don’t match images (as in the concatenation of a Moslem woman praying and a Looney Tunes–style song); color and texture that change drastically and randomly; images that are yellowed as though from heat or time or decay. In this poetic narrative, time is suspended and bent and causal relationships disintegrate at will.