
East Side Story

Screening on Film
Directed by Dana Ranga.
With Chris Doerk, Erich Gusko, Karin Schroder.
Germany, 1997, 35mm, color and b&w, 78 min.
German, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Czech with English subtitles.

A hit at the Sundance Film Festival, East Side Story is an exploration of a previously undiscovered genre of Soviet-bloc production in the 1950s and 1960s: the socialist movie musical—part Stalin, part Beach Blanket Bingo. Through the presentation of numerous clips, this compilation proves that humor and extravagance really were a part of the allegedly gray and bleak terrain of Eastern European culture of the time. Was it all done for propaganda purposes? Does it reveal a vein of hope and desire running against the grain? Should we re-evaluate East European socialism? Come and see.

Part of film series

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Film in the Third Reich:
The Power of Images and Illusions