Go Together
Director in Person
Directed by Rob Nilsson.
With Denny Dey, Michelle Allen, Robert Viharo.
US, 2007, digital video, black & white, 94 min.
With Denny Dey, Michelle Allen, Robert Viharo.
US, 2007, digital video, black & white, 94 min.
Malafide (Viharo), undergoes an identity-swap, and so does his counterfeit cash. Seeking respite from the streets, Malafide watches scenes from his own life (clips from earlier 9 @ Night films) unspool as psychic-cinematic projections on the screen of Oakland's historic Parkway Theater. Meanwhile, the challenge of a life in the film industry is explored through the strained sexual relationship of theater-owners Denny and Michelle, who struggle to keep the Parkway out of the hands of the pornographers and swindlers. In Go Together Nilsson conjures a remarkably haunting, expressionist homage to cinema. (Adapted from Mill Valley Film Festival Program Notes)