
La Ricotta

Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini

Seeking Locations in Palestine for the Film “The Gospel According to Matthew”

Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini
Screening on Film
  • La Ricotta

    Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
    With Orson Welles, Mario Cipriani, Laura Betti.
    Italy, 1963, 35mm, color and b&w, 35 min.
    Italian with English subtitles.
    Print source: Pasolini Foundation

For his contribution to the omnibus film RoGoPaG—comprised of episodes by himself, Rossellini, Godard and Ugo Gregoretti—Pasolini fashioned an ingenious fable that is both a satire on filmmaking and a tribute to Italian Mannerist painting. Although Orson Welles stars as a director filming the crucifixion, the real protagonist is an unassuming middle-aged man working as an extra to feed his family. The extraordinary meeting of three worlds—high art, moviemaking and all-too-real poverty—leads to a collision with tragicomic consequences, a “collage,” as Pasolini called it, that allows him to effectively critique the distance between ethics and aesthetics.

  • Seeking Locations in Palestine for the Film “The Gospel According to Matthew” (Sopralluoghi in Palestina per il film “Il Vangelo secondo Matteo”)

    Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
    Italy, 1965, 35mm, black & white, 52 min.
    Italian with French subtitles.

Pasolini had originally planned to shoot The Gospel According to Matthew in the approximate locations referred to in the Bible: Nazareth, Jerusalem, Bethlehem. With this in mind he visited the area—including other parts of Israel, Jordan and Syria—with a newsreel photographer, filming both the landscape and its inhabitants. Edited by The Gospel’s producer for potential funders and distributors, Pasolini added a semi-improvised commentary as the only soundtrack to his footage, including his musings on Jesus and his teachings and on the difficulty of finding suitable locations for his project, while avoiding the subject of Israel and Palestine. An evocative behind-the-scenes glimpse into Pasolini’s creative project, the film serves as testimony to his idiosyncratic views of Jesus as a historical figure and his distinctions between the ancient and modern worlds.

Part of film series

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The Complete Pier Paolo Pasolini

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