
Los Angeles Plays Itself

Directed by Thom Andersen.
US, 2003, digital video, color, 169 min.

One of the most acclaimed films of recent years, Los Angeles Plays Itself compiles footage from a wide range of sources to present a modern portrait of the oft-maligned mecca of the movie industry. Drawing from 1950s B-movies, science fiction classics, and urban films noir, Andersen deconstructs both filmmaking and viewing in a work which posits the artifice of Hollywood imagery as factual documents. In the tradition of great film essayists such as Chris Marker, Alain Resnais, and Agnes Varda, Andersen creates an entertaining, epic film essay in which setting becomes a character in its own right.

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Film Architectures

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California Stars:
Los Angeles on Film

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Thom Andersen,
Film Essayist

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