
Sir, No Sir!

Screening on Film
Directed by David Ziegler.
US, 2005, 35mm, color, 85 min.

Sir! No Sir! documents G.I. resistance against the Vietnam War, an important part of the anti-war movement that is often minimized in historical accounts. Using archival footage from the 1960s and 1970s along with present-day interviews with many resisters, the film describes the anti-war counter-culture that developed on bases, on battlefields, and inside military colleges. The film also includes rare footage from Jane Fonda’s “anti-USO” tour, as well as a current-day interview with Fonda in which she defends her controversial actions.


  • March on the Pentagon

    Directed by David Ringo.
    US, 1968, 16mm, black & white, 20 min.

Ringo constructs a poetic reflection on the 1967 March on the Pentagon organized by the Youth International Party, aka the Yippies.

Part of film series

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At Home and Abroad: The Vietnam War on Film