
Marianne and Julianne
(Die bleierne Zeit)

Screening on Film
Directed by Margarethe von Trotta.
With Jutta Lampe, Barbara Sukowa, Rüdiger Vogler.
West Germany, 1981, 35mm, color, 114 min.
German with English subtitles.

Closely based on the life of Gudrun Ensslin and her sister, Margarethe von Trotta’s masterpiece zeroes in on the psychological relationship that exists between two sisters, one the editor of a progressive feminist journal (Lampe), the other a committed revolutionary who has been jailed by the police (Sukowa). The Baader-Meinhof era comes to life in this extraordinary melding of the personal and political, where the tension between stands that are either too safe or too shrill comes into sharp relief.

Part of film series

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The RAF’s Germany: Terrorism, Politics, Protest

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