
No Place to Go
(Die Unberührbare)

Screening on Film
Directed by Oskar Röhler.
With Hannelore Elsner, Vadim Glowna, Jasmin Tabatabai.
Germany, 2000, 35mm, black & white, 100 min.
German with English subtitles.

On the eve of reunification, a middle-aged German writer (Elsner) despairs at the decline of her once promising career. She decides to forgo the decadent lifestyle to which she has become accustomed and turns over a new leaf. Echoing themes from Fassbinder and Von Trotta, director Röhler provides an intelligent portrait of the modern woman, aided in no small part by an outstanding performance from Elsner.

Part of film series

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The New German Cinema (Revisited)

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