
Pie in the Sky: The Brigid Berlin Story

Directors in Person February 14
Screening on Film
Directed by Vincent Fremont and Shelly Dunn Fremont.
US, 2000, 35mm, color, 75 min.

This fascinating chronicle of ubiquitous Warhol Superstar Brigid Berlin is told through interviews with the sixty-something media heiress and ex-bohemian food-and-drug addict herself, as well as with other former Factory-related personalities and commentators such as Patty Hearst and John Waters. As Pie in the Sky traces her early days as a rebellious socialite, the first of her “scandalous” appearances in Warhol’s films, and her role as muse to the filmmaker-artist, this unique personality emerges as something of a significant artistic presence in her own right.

Part of film series

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Andy Warhol and the Factory: Selected Works

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