Sierra Leone
Screening on Film
Directed by Uwe Schrader.
With Christian Redl, Ann Gisel Glass, Rita Russek.
West Germany, 1987, 16mm, color, 92 min.
With Christian Redl, Ann Gisel Glass, Rita Russek.
West Germany, 1987, 16mm, color, 92 min.
A subtle portrait of disillusionment, Sierra Leone tells the story of a man who, after years working abroad, returns to Germany with pockets full of money. Although he thinks he can pick up where he left off, a different reality soon emerges. His wife, to whom he had sent money, has moved in with somebody else and rejects him coldly. He has an affair with a former girlfriend and gets roaring drunk with his former workmates. In the end, the film’s protagonist is once more alone.