
Tall Tales and Short Films

Screening on Film

This program focusing on Alassane’s animation begins the charming Bon Voyage Sim, an early and brief example of cel animation about a kingdom for frogs that nevertheless has a word of warning for political leaders. Next is an early live-action short, The Ring of King Koda, that reveals Alassane’s love for the traditional tales of the region. The program concludes with two stop-motion animated films that were among Alassane’s last. Samba le Grand is another legendary tale of love and adventure, while Kokoa is Alassane’s hearty tribute to traditional wrestling.


  • Bon Voyage Sim

    Directed by Moustapha Alassane.
    Niger, 1966, 16mm, black & white, 5 min.
    Print source: Institut Français

  • The Ring of King Koda (La bague du Roi Koda)

    Directed by Moustapha Alassane.
    Niger, 1962, 16mm, color, 24 min.
    French with English subtitles.
    Print source: Institut Français
  • Samba le Grand

    Directed by Moustapha Alassane.
    Niger, 1977, 16mm, color, 14 min.
    French with English subtitles.
    Print source: Institut Français
  • Kokoa

    Directed by Moustapha Alassane.
    Niger, 1973, 35mm, color, 25 min.
    French and Hausa with English subtitles.
    Print source: Institut Français

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