
The Act of Killing

Director in Person
$12 Special Event Tickets
Directed by Joshua Oppenheimer with Cynthia Cynn and Anonymous.
Denmark, 2012, digital video, color, 158 min.
Indonesian with English subtitles.

The Act of Killing with introduction and post screening discussion with David Pendleton, Joshua Oppenheimer and Robb Moss.

A failed coup in Indonesia was blamed on the country’s Communist party and led to military rule in 1965, as well as organized death squads that targeted the country’s leftists. Filmmaker Joshua Oppenheimer profiles two of the leaders of a Sumatran death squad who boast of their crimes and are eager to re-enact them for the camera. This screening will feature the “director’s cut” of The Act of Killing, more than half an hour longer than the version released theatrically, which represents, in Oppenheimer’s words, “the film in its most terrifying, dreamlike, and intimate form.”

Part of film series

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