The Big Lebowski
Screening on Film
Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen.
With Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore.
US, 1998, 35mm, color, 127 min.
With Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore.
US, 1998, 35mm, color, 127 min.
When Jeff Lebowksi aka “The Dude” (Bridges) is mistaken for a wealthy philanthropist, the unassuming, unemployed bowling enthusiast finds himself embroiled in a chain of events that he is only too happy to unravel, as long as he gets a new rug. The Coen brothers absurdist follow-up to Fargofailed to garner much critical acclaim or commercial success on its initial release. Since then, this stoner noir has become a cult sensation, and inspired bowling themed festivals across the United States peppered with healthy servings of White Russians.