
MadCat Women's International Film Festival
The Experimentalists

Screening on Film

Directors manipulate the medium creating the visual delights offered in this series of gorgeous 16mm contemporary avant-garde films.


  • Monsters

    Directed by Gretchen Hogue.
    US, 2004, 16mm, color, 10 min.

Rosemary’s Baby and The Shining are re-photographed, focusing on the films' female protagonists and their gradual subjugation by horror and retaliation, instigated by their husbands' brutal betrayals.

  • Pedant Philia

    Directed by Sandra Cheng.
    US, 2003, 16mm, color, 2 min.

Defined as a love for teachers, especially occurring when the student experiences symptoms of schizophrenia, Pedant Philia is a hand-drawn story of unrequited love.

  • On Women's Recipes

    Directed by Beatriz Flores and Sonia Malfa.
    US, 2003, 16mm, color, 10 min.

Immigrant women discuss the acquisition of taste, rituals, memory, the carrying on of tradition and making a home in a foreign land.

  • Buffalo Lifts

    Directed by Christina Battle.
    US/Canada, 2004, 16mm, color, 3 min.

Gentle four-legged friends are presented in a sumptuous wash of color, optically printed to obey the maker.

  • See Bikini See

    Directed by Angela Reginato.
    US, 2004, 16mm, color, 3 min.

The secret schematics of 60s beach movies are revealed in this found-footage film in which scratched-off emulsion reveals the sexual undertow overtaking Frankie and Annette.

  • Poor White Trash Girl—Class Consciousness

    Directed by Kelly Spivey.
    US, 2003, 16mm, color, 7 min.

Using animation, the filmmaker explores a girl’s introduction to the class wars.

  • Last Still Life

    Directed by Michele Stanley.
    Canada, 2003, 16mm, color, 3 min.

Reality, dream and hallucination intermingle when a single, disturbing moment becomes a continuously looped fragment of memory.

  • Late

    Directed by Diane Cheklich.
    US, 2003, 16mm, black & white, 8 min.

High-contrast shots of seedy hotels and dial-a-savior billboards are collaged together as late-night radio evangelist dispenses wisdom and hope to lost souls.

  • Make Haste Slowly

    Directed by Elizabeth Block.
    US, 2004, 16mm, color, 6 min.

Block presents a visual poem of text, color and light. Drawings on clear film leader are exposed to light and re-photographed as digital pixels that are then projected backwards.

  • Numerical Engagements

    Directed by Chelsea Walton.
    US, 2004, 16mm, color, 4 min.

This hand-processed, optically printed love poem explores an intimate, roaming rendezvous. Lush and colorful, the rhythm of editing resembles a heartbeat.

  • Neptune’s Release: Shot in the Dark

    Directed by Joell Hallowell and Jacalyn White.
    US, 2004, 16mm, color, 17 min.

Hallowell and White’s humorous and devastating found-footage extravaganza, complete with 50s advertisements, spiritual audiotapes, obsolete medical films and a star-studded cast that includes Janis Joplin, Timothy Leary and Shirley MacLaine.

Part of film series

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MadCat Women's International Film Festival

Current and upcoming film series

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From the collection – Satyajit Ray