The Haunted Castle
(Schloß Vogelöd)
Live Piano Accompaniment by Yakov Gubanov
Directed by F.W. Murnau.
With Arnold Korff, Lulu Kyser-Korff, Lothar Mehnert.
Germany, 1921, black & white, 81 min.
With Arnold Korff, Lulu Kyser-Korff, Lothar Mehnert.
Germany, 1921, black & white, 81 min.
Long-hidden secrets are revealed one mysterious day among the visitors of Castle Vogelöd, leading to jealousies, disguises, foreboding dreams and murders. As with much of Murnau's work, the film shows the influence of the Swedish school (on location sets, authentic atmosphere, harsh realism, and restrained acting). The misty and dreamy landscapes contrast beautifully with the castle's indoor architecture, reflecting the characters' emotional turmoil, a blueprint for his later masterpiece, Nosferatu.