
The Man Who Left His Will On Film AKA The Battle of Tokyo
(Tokyo senso sengo hiwa)

Screening on Film
Directed by Nagisa Oshima.
With Kazuo Goto, Emiko Iwasaki, Sugio Fukuoka.
Japan, 1970, 35mm, black & white, 94 min.
Japanese with English subtitles.

In this haunting, politically intriguing film set in 1960s Tokyo, a young leftist finds the camera of a radical who has leapt to his death while fleeing the police. The “will and testament” he discovers on film seems meaningless, but begins to obsess him as he retraces the filmmaker's political and erotic past. The revolutionary acts within the film are incredibly powerful given the historical context. Tamkemitsu provides a stirring and hypnotic musical accompaniment to Oshima’s radicalized imagery.

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