
The Mass is Over
(La messa è finita)

Screening on Film
Directed by Nanni Moretti.
With Nanni Moretti, Margarita Lozano, Ferruccio De Ceresa.
Italy, 1985, 35mm, color, 94 min.
Italian with English subtitles.

Don Giulio, a young, idealistic priest is assigned to his first parish after ten years of seclusion on a remote island. Arriving in Rome, he finds his new parishioners have defected en masse as a result of his predecessor’s amorous escapades. To make matters worse, his father is moving in with a younger woman, his unmarried sister is pregnant, and his best friend has become a terrorist. In a series of taut and wonderfully executed scenes, Moretti creates a meditation on the various forms love takes. Doubting his ability to solve his own problems, much less those of his flock, Don Giulio ponders life with a bewilderment and fascination that is perhaps not far from the filmmaker’s own distanced vantage point.

Part of film series

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Nanni Moretti:
A Life on Film