The World of Yamamura Animation
Kizuna, Parts 1 & 2
By combining several different media, such as modeling clay, three dimensional figures, photographs and drawings, Koji Yamamura creates hand-crafted analog visuals that are pleasing and playful, but somewhat surreal. This selection of 10 short animations includes Aquatic (1987), Japanese-English Pictionary (1988), Perspektivenbox -Researcher's Search- (1990), Karo & Piyobupt (1993), Kids Castle (1995), Your Choice! (1999), Mt. Head (2002), which was nominated for the 75th Academy Awards Short Films' Animation Category, and Yamamura's latest work, The Old Crocodile (2005).
Kizuna, Parts 1 & 2
Directed by Rin Hiroo.
Japan, 1994, color, 60 min.
Japanese with English subtitles.
These two episodes of the anime adaptation of one of the bestselling Yaoi comics depict a love triangle between Ranmaru Samejima, Kei Enjoji and Kai Sagano, as well as a tangled family drama between two brothers, Kei and Kai. Yaoi is a cultic subculture genre of manga with a theme of male to male romantic love that is primarily read by women, but also has a strong presence in the Comicket(comic market) estimated to draw one million fans in Japan.