
Titicut Follies

Screening on Film
Directed by Frederick Wiseman.
US, 1967, 35mm, black & white, 89 min.

"By order of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Titicut Follies may be shown only to legislators, judges, lawyers, sociologists, social workers, doctors, psychiatrists, students in these or related fields, and organizations dealing with the social problems of custodial care and mental infirmity." And so for two and a half decades, Wiseman’s first documentary film went unseen in Massachusetts because of the horrors it chronicled in an institution for the criminally insane and the threats it posed to the state. Taking the position that if an institution receives tax support citizens have a right to know what happens in it, and that reportorial access is a constitutional right, Titicut Follies initiated a string of Wiseman documentaries that have continued to examine the institutions that form the fabric of America.

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Cinéma Vérité

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