
To the Stars by Hard Ways
(Cherez ternii k zvezdam)

Screening on Film
Directed by Richard Viktorov.
With Yelena Metyolkina, Vadim Ledogorov, Uldis Lieldidz.
USSR, 1981, 35mm, color, 118 min.
Russian with English subtitles.

Boldly going where no man has gone before, the starship Pushkin finds an abandoned vessel filled with the decaying bodies of humanoids and one surviving member of the crew, a gynoid named Niya who seeks the help of earthlings to restore her severely polluted home planet. Unabashedly pitched to to a teenage audience, this delirious space adventure features bionic women, cosmic mercenaries, and the most embarrassing guy-in-a-suit robot to never utter "Danger, Will Robinson." After the fall of the USSR, To the Stars by Hard Ways became a cult hit among the Russian hipster set and in 2001 it was fully restored by the director's son.

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From the Tsars to the Stars:
A Journey Through Russian Fantastik Cinema

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Melville et Cie. at the Brattle