As the Beast Sleeps

Screening on Film
Directed by Harry Bradbeer.
With Colum Convey, Stuart Graham, Patrick O’Kane.
Ireland , 2001, 35mm, color, 75 min.

Set during the paramilitary ceasefire of the mid-1990s, this hard-biting drama focuses on a group of young loyalists, groomed for fighting, who must now put away their weapons and accustom themselves to peace. The transition is not an easy one as each member struggles with the loss of power and authority and the growing feeling of having been betrayed by political leaders. This tough and penetrating examination of paramilitarism put on hold was scripted by acclaimed Northern playwright Gary Mitchell.


  • Zulu 9

    Directed by Alan Gilsenan.
    With Ger Carey, Karen Bryson, Sean Lawlor.
    Ireland, 2001, video, color, 11 min.

A long-distance truck driver carrying dangerous chemicals begins to suspect that he is also carrying stowaways. This tense and visceral film was winner of the audience award for best Irish short at this year’s Cork Film Festival.

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The Fourth Annual Boston Irish Film Festival