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Tariq Teguia

Rome Rather Than You introduction and post-screening discussion with David Pendleton and Tariq Teguia.


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The 2012 Geneviève McMillan Reba Stewart Fellow:
Tariq Teguia

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Sam Parler
Babes On Broadway with introduction by Sam Parler and David Pendleton.
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Nathaniel Dorsky
Stan Brakhage "The Lyric Lens" program introductions by Haden Guest and Nathaniel Dorsky.
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Mark McElhatten
Stan Brakhage Metaphors on Vision programs introductions by Haden Guest and Mark McElhatten.
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Ignacio Agüero
One Hundred Children Waiting for a Train introduction and post-screening discussion with filmmaker Ignacio Agüero and HFA Director Haden Guest.