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Laura Citarella

Trenque Lauquen, Part II introduction and post-screening discussion with the film's director Laura Citarella, filmmaker Mariano Llinás and HFA Director Haden Guest.

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Trenque Lauquen by Laura Citarella

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Cindy Keefer
Optical Poetry. An Oskar Fischinger Retrospective, with introduction by Haden Guest and Cindy Keefer.
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Samantha Fuller
Dogface introduction and post-screening discussion with Haden Guest and Samantha Fuller.
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João Pedro Rodrigues
Où en êtes-vous, João Pedro Rodrigues ? (Where Do You Stand Now, João Pedro Rodrigues?) introduction by Haden Guest and João Pedro Rodrigues.
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RaMell Ross
Hale County This Morning, This Evening introduction and post-screening discussion with RaMell Ross, curator Makeda Best and HFA Director Haden Guest.