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Anne-Marie Mieville: The Pleasures of the Text

Best known for her two-decade collaboration with Jean-Luc Godard—as a still photographer, actress, producer, editor, co-director, writer, and art director for various of his films since 1972—Swiss writer-director Anne-Marie Miéville has created a distinctive body of short and feature films of her own. Only with the release of her most recent film, After the Reconciliation, however, has Miéville fully emerged from the shadow of her legendary mentor. This series celebrates the director’s solo career, focusing on her original mode of deploying actors, integrating textual and musical passages, and recasting the narrative form into a mode of serious philosophical and artistic inquiry. These films are a kind of writing, in which the complexities of human experience are refracted through both the lens of cinema and the sensibility of this most engaged and engaging cinéaste.

Current and upcoming film series

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Melville et Cie. at the Brattle