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Landscape and Desire: Reports from a Contested Planet

This series brings together a range of recent nonfiction films that focus on deeply personal perceptions of places in time—places of our time. Like the very earliest forms of cinema, which took entranced spectators to far away-places they had never seen and to daily vistas they could now view, through the camera’s eye, in new ways, each of these films trains its gaze onto the landscapes of a contemporary time. The result is a modern travelogue through the significant destinations of a new century—destinations that nonetheless elicit struggles carried over from the past.

Current and upcoming film series

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Melville et Cie.

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Psychedelic Cinema

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Hamaguchi Ryusuke, The World as Stage

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Fragments of a Faith Forgotten: The Art of Harry Smith

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The Shochiku Centennial Collection

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António Campos and the Promise of Cinema Novo

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Boston Punk Rewound / Unbound. The Arthur Freedman Collection

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The Yugoslav Junction: Film and Internationalism in the SFRY, 1957 – 1988

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From the Jenni Olson Queer Film Collection