
WTC Uncut

Bryan Kortis and Steven Mudrick in Person
Directed by Bryan Kortis and Steven Mudrick.
US, 2002, digital video, color, 74 min.

This innovative documentary consists of a single, uncut shot of the World Trade Center, captured from an office window in real time, under siege on the morning of September 11. To this raw document, the makers have matched a complex sound track of radio and television commentary culled from nearly a year of public discussion. The resulting work, which premiered at several museums this past September, serves as an intricate timeline of the attack, the immediate reactions of a stunned nation, and the gradual sorting out of implications and responses. WTC Uncut is invaluable for its clear-eyed—perhaps unrelenting—and horrifically beautiful view of an unimaginable act of destruction, and for its sensitive exploration of the complex human reaction that followed.

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