
Jour de fête

Screening on Film
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Free Admission
Directed by Jacques Tati.
With Jacques Tati, Guy Decomble, Paul Frankeur.
France, 1949, 35mm, color, 70 min.
French with English subtitles.
Print source: HFA

In celebration of Bay State Bike Week, we present one of our favorite bicycle films.

Jacques Tati is one of the great comic geniuses of the 20th century. His first feature-length film is a delight for children, cyclists, and cinema lovers. Inspired by a movie, a small town postman tries to outdo his American counterparts by delivering the mail at a frantic pace on his bicycle. As with other Tati films, the dialogue is incidental to the action, and this film can be enjoyed by those who cannot read the subtitles or understand French.

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