
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Screening on Film
Free Admission
Directed by David Fincher.
With Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton.
US, 2008, 35mm, color, 167 min.

The latest from filmmaker David Fincher (Fight Club, Zodiac) is based on a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald with an intriguing premise: it recounts the life of a man who ages in reverse. Drawing inspiration from the conventional wisdom that youth is wasted on the young, Fitzgerald created a protagonist born aged who grows younger as time passes. With a plot spanning the globe and the 20th century, the film has already garnered praise for its accomplished visuals and the performances of its cast. Perhaps most remarkable is the ability of Fincher and screenwriter Eric Roth (The Insider, Munich) to avoid whimsy in favor of a moving examination on the power of time to transform us, for better and for worse.