Alive Alive O - A Requiem For Dublin

Directed by Se´ Merry Doyle


Directed by Conor Hogan
  • Alive Alive O - A Requiem For Dublin

    Directed by Se´ Merry Doyle.
    With Jasmine Russell, Frank Harte, Paula Meehan.
    Ireland, 2001, color, 52 min.

Named 'Documentary Of The Year 2001' by Ireland's Sunday Tribune, S´ Merry Doyle's critically acclaimed examination of Dublin's street traders paints a moving picture of a people and a culture destroyed by modernization, urban gentrification and heroin. Rare archival footageóincluding glimpses of a young U2 playing an inner-city benefit concert combines with personal recollections to convey the devastation of areas such as Sean McDermott Street, Gardner Street and Moore Street and the decimation of a people whose character and livelihood were synonymous with Dublin's Fair City.

  • Happiness

    Directed by Conor Hogan.
    Ireland, 2005, color, 28 min.

Filmmaker Conor Horgan asks a variety of people, from all walks of life, of all ages, to define happiness. Their answers, collected here in short snippets, run the gamut from the simple to the profound, and what emerges is a wonderful glimpse into both the human psyche and the nature of happiness itself.

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Magners Irish Film Festival

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