Mickeybo and Me

Directed by Terry Loane


Directed by Billy McCannon
Director Terry Loane in Person / Producer Jonathan Cummins in Person
  • Mickeybo and Me

    Directed by Terry Loane.
    With John Joe McNeill, Niall Wright, Julie Walters, Adrian Dunbar.
    Ireland, 2005, color, 100 min.

Belfast, 1970. Jonjo and Mickybo—the former Protestant, the latter Catholic— are two friends united by a common obsession with the film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Escaping family pressures, they go on the lam, imagining themselves to be their outlaw heroes. Their fantasy, however, is short-lived and both friends soon find that the realities of the world cannot be held at bay forever. Based on the acclaimed play by Owen McCafferty and directed with great sensitivity by Terry Loane, Mickybo & Me is a heartwarming story about innocence and friendship—and the fragility of both.

Winner: Best Feature Award

  • Recoil

    Directed by Billy McCannon.
    With Keith McErlean, Bosco Hogan.
    Ireland, 2004, color, 10 min.

A Republican paramilitary is arrested following a brutal murder. While in custody he undergoes questioning and finds an unexpected offer of redemption. Director Billy McCannon crafts a tense, tightly wound film that lingers long after the credits stop rolling.

Winner: Best Short Fiction Award

Part of film series

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Magners Irish Film Festival

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