With Alik Assatrian, Mikhael Stehanian, Karen Janibekan.
Germany/Armenia, 1992, 35mm, color, 84 min.
Armenian with English subtitles.
Hovering between the realms of poetry and history, this stunningly photographed, elegiac work—shot mostly in long takes—mixes cryptic metaphor and fantastic symbolism to tell the story of Avetik, an Armenian filmmaker exiled in Berlin. Director Askarian employs dreamlike images—a crumbling, ancient stone chapel gradually reduced to nothing by the rumbling vibrations of passing military vehicles; a ghostly cemetery of carved tombstones in which a woman takes a starving sheep in her arm and breast-feeds it back to life—to reflect the history of his homeland and shades of his own exile in Germany. In sensuous, lyric tableaux, Askarian explores German racism, the 1915 Armenian genocide, the disastrous earthquake of 1989, tranquil childhood memories, and images inspired by erotic medieval poetry.