Better Watch Out!
With Samantha Scully, Bill Moseley, Richard C. Adams.
US, 1989, 35mm, color, 90 min.
Better Watch Out!, like most of my movies, is a genre pic at odds with its genre. Or maybe something that refuses to be categorized so easily. I refused the job at first, and only reconsidered when my close friend Arthur Gorson begged me to do it. I was ill with the flu, couldn't get out of bed, but immediately set to work on creating a new screenplay, as usual for me throwing out the one that was presented to me. … I've always worked quickly, but broke all records on this one. We wrote the script in a week at the beginning of March, at the same time scouting locations. We shot during the month of April, edited for 10 days at the beginning of May. … At the beginning of June we started mixing and color timing, had an answer print on July 1st, and I left for our premiere at the Barcelona Film Festival on July 4th.
In the third chapter of the Silent Night, Deadly Night series, Hellman upends the standard slasher movie with a feminist take – pitting intuitive knowledge against the smug ambitions of science. Here, a scientist exploits the abilities of a telepathic blind woman to communicate with the comatose serial killer of the previous film – unleashing a string of violence which takes turns mythic, comic, and cathartic. – BG