
Chungking Express
(Congqing Senlin)

Screening on Film
Directed by Wong Kar-wai.
With Brigitte Lin, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Tony Leung.
Hong Kong, 1994, 35mm, color, 97 min.
Cantonese with English subtitles.

No film in years has better recaptured the giddy spontaneity of the early French New Wave than this elegant comedy about love and loss in Hong Kong. Two stories: in the first, a Chinese woman in a blonde wig comes out on the wrong end of a drug deal, with potentially fatal consequences; meanwhile, a broken-hearted policeman vows to fall in love with the first woman he meets, which happens to be the Chinese woman in the blonde wig. In the second, a server at a fast-food stand secretly moves in with an admired customer, moving furniture and leaving other clues in the hope that he’ll notice. Director Wong Kar-wai more than fulfills the promise of his stunning debut, Days of Being Wild.

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