
Come Back to the 5 and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean

Screening on Film
Recently Restored
Directed by Robert Altman.
With Sandy Dennis, Cher, Karen Black.
US, 1982, 35mm, color, 109 min.
Print source: UCLA

After disappointing and disappearing studio relationships following the troubled HealtH and flopped Popeye, Altman left Hollywood for Broadway. His production of Ed Graczyk’s play led to a cable movie offer, which Altman eventually wrangled into limited theatrical release and, consequently, a more concise, poetic vision. Rather than the separate sets of the stage version, two identical Woolworth shops were constructed in front of one another, separated by a two-way mirror. Thus, the reuniting Disciples of James Dean seamlessly drift back-and-forth from the Fifties to the Seventies; yet for these lost dreamers stuck in a remote Texan town, the changes between eras are often imperceptible. An extra on Giant, Mona achieves minor celebrity as the supposed mother of James Dean’s son, and her static fantasy has for years been reluctantly maintained by a small group of friends who each have their own delusions to dissolve. The increasingly complex reflections bouncing between the spectrum of girlish personas exposes the restricting feminine—and masculine—ideals both maintained by and displaced onto the silver screen, an escapism Altman’s viewers are tenderly denied.

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