

Directed by Bert Deling.
With With Peter Whittle, Peter Cummins and Max Gillies.
Australia, 1973, digital video, color, 103 min.

A former cop attempts to track down anarchistic acid dealer "Plastic Man." Upon following a lead, his trip takes a psychedlic turn. Upon his arrival at a seaside commune, the fictional framework of crime melodrama dissolves, and the camera reverses its gaze. The story transforms into a documentary about the crew, the communal tribe, and the shared experience of drug use and making a film.


  • Bondi

    Directed by Paul Winkler.
    Australia, 1979, 16mm, color, 15 min.

Taking its title from the very popular Sydney beach, Bondi was made by Australia’s foremost independent filmmaker Paul Winkler, who used surreal in-camera matting to divide images of the beach, water, sky and sand into alternating horizontal bands.

Part of film series

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The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun:
Psychedelic Surf Films, 1966-1979

Current and upcoming film series

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Melville et Cie.

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Psychedelic Cinema

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Hamaguchi Ryusuke, The World as Stage

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Fragments of a Faith Forgotten: The Art of Harry Smith

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The Shochiku Centennial Collection

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António Campos and the Promise of Cinema Novo

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Boston Punk Rewound / Unbound. The Arthur Freedman Collection

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The Yugoslav Junction: Film and Internationalism in the SFRY, 1957 – 1988

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From the Jenni Olson Queer Film Collection