

Screening on Film
Directed by Youssef Chahine.
With Nour-el-Cheif, Laila Eloui, Mahmoud Hemeida.
Egypt, 1998, 35mm, color, 137 min.
Arabic with English subtitles.
Print source: Leisure Time Features

Alarmed by the rise of religious fundamentalism in Egypt in the 1990s, Chahine created an historical epic centered on the philosopher Ibn Rashd (known in the West as Averroës) and set in medieval Córdoba, Spain where—under Arab rule—a secular and multicultural society flourished. To make his point, Chahine concocts the story of a young Arab man lured away from his “decadent” lifestyle and indoctrinated into a fundamentalist sect. Though the film operates as a sincere and moving plea for tolerance and a timely warning against violent religious extremism, Chahine also provides plenty of spectacle, including a steamy romance and lots of song and dance.

Part of film series

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Youssef Chahine, the Cosmopolite of Egyptian Cinema

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