
Emerald Forest

Screening on Film
Directed by John Boorman.
With Powers Boothe, Meg Foster, Yara Vaneau.
UK, 1985, 35mm, color, 113 min.
Print source: Irish Film Archive

The Emerald Forest echoes the deep concern of Deliverance for the alienation of modern society caused by its radical separation from nature. Boorman cast his own son as a young American boy whose kidnapping by an indigenous tribe in Brazil leads his father—an engineer building a dam in the Amazon—on a desperate search that lasts several years. Unlike Deliverance's vision of nature as a terrifyingly indifferent force, The Emerald Forest explores its ultimately benevolent side. It is at once an engrossing ecological fable, a recasting of the Oedipal drama and a post-colonial remake of The Searchers.

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