
Fleurs de sang

Actor-Writer-Director Myriam Mézières in Person January 17
Screening on Film
Directed by Myriam Mézières and Alain Tanner.
With Myriam Mézières, Bruno Todeschini.
Switzerland/France/Spain, 2002, 35mm, color, 100 min.
French with English subtitles.

After she murders her middle-aged lover, a fourteen-year-old girl reflects back on the bohemian life she shared years earlier with her mother, a free-spirited cabaret performer. Portrayed with searing intensity by writer-director Myriam Mézières, Lily attempts to elevate her performances from the level of erotic spectacle to artistic expression as she drags her young daughter from nightclub to nightclub and hotel to hotel, ultimately losing the child to the authorities. This most recent collaboration between veteran Swiss director Alain Tanner and the multi-talented Mézières explores the familiar territory of mother-daughter relationships, here tested to the extreme by the complexities of life on the fringes of society.

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