

Screening on Film
Directed by Vincent Lannoo.
With Pierre Lekeux, Carlo Ferrante, Hélène Ramet.
Belgium, 2001, 35mm, color, 86 min.
French with English subtitles.

This latest work to adhere to the tenets of the Dogma 95 manifesto focuses on the strange goings-on at a fictional Brussels acting school. A film crew comes to chronicle the school’s fabled Open Door Theater Method, and through this conceit, director Vincent Lannoo creates a mock-documentary portrait of its egotistical and libidinal acting instructor, providing hilarious insight into the eccentric boundaries of dramatic education. Pierre Lekeux is effective as the lecherous and maniacal instructor who becomes increasingly terroristic. As he pushes the limits of his students, he forces the filmmakers-within-the-film to consider their own limits as documentarians.

Part of film series

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