

Screening on Film
Directed by Albertina Carri.
With Cristina Banegas, Daniel Fanego, Maria Abadi.
Argentina/France, 2005, 35mm, color, 85 min.
Spanish with English subtitles.
Print source: Diego Schipani

Carri delivered a subversive blow to the heteronormal ideal of bourgeois family and domesticity in her stylish portrait of a seemingly typical well-off Buenos Aires family whose youngest siblings, twins, are trapped in a deep incestuous tryst. With an understated frankness, Géminis gradually unravels the polished world to reveal an ambiguous pattern of complicity and guilt entangling the family’s stern yet strangely evasive matriarch, and perhaps even the larger society itself. Slow burning, Géminis suddenly explodes into a raw maelstrom of emotions.

Part of film series

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Personal Truths. The Cinema of Albertina Carri

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