
I Won't Go Back Home 
(No quiero volver a casa)

Screening on Film
Directed by Albertina Carri.
With Martín Churba, Manuel Callau, Margara Alonso.
Argentina/Netherlands, 2001, 35mm, black & white, 78 min.
Spanish with English subtitles.
Print source: Diego Schipani

Carri’s impressive debut film is a noir vision of a paranoid and dangerous Buenos Aires where a group of diverse Porteños are fatefully linked by a brutal killing. Shot in low-fi black and white, I Won’t Go Back Home immediately revealed Carri’s interest in extreme style and provocative imagery designed to shock, unsettle and almost assault the viewer into a new consciousness about the injustice and violence her films have continued to attack with urgent energy. 

Part of film series

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