
Ika Hands

Directed by Robert Gardner

The Nuer

Directed by Hilary Harris and Robert Gardner
Screening on Film
  • Ika Hands

    Directed by Robert Gardner.
    US, 1988, 16mm, color, 58 min.
    Print source: HFA

An isolated mountain group in the Sierra Nevadas of Colombia, the Ika, who may be a remnant of the once flourishing Mayan Civilization, are agriculturalists with a profound interest in matters cosmological. Their difficult and vanishing way of life is captured with great attention to detail by Gardner’s always alert but respectful camera.

  • The Nuer

    Directed by Hilary Harris and Robert Gardner.
    US, 1971, 16mm, color, 73 min.
    Print source: HFA

A collaborative effort between Gardner and Hilary Harris about the Nilotes, who live on a tributary of the Blue Nile, the filmmakers’ original intent was to study their dancing, for which they have a great passion. Unhappily, small pox was rampant at the time of their trip, and people cared little about dancing.

Part of film series

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Still Journey On. The Films of Robert Gardner